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Pastoral Care
The welfare and pastoral support of our students is a key part of the support we are putting in place to ensure they thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Our pastoral team will effectively support student academic performance, personal development, behaviour, attendance, wellbeing and mental health.
Our focus will be on the student as an individual across all aspects and stages of their journeys. This will include:
- effective transition year 6-7, year 9-10 and year 11 to post-16 destinations
- rigorous academic monitoring and accountability structures
- additional support, extensive enrichment activities and exceptional pastoral support
- a focus on the mental health of students and staff within the school, achieving recognised awards in supporting positive mental health
Our view is that with individual support and timely intervention all students will make good progress. The culture we are establishing is one where our students have high standards and expectations of themselves, others and their academy and where the students fully exercise their responsibilities as well as understand their rights and entitlements. Strong pastoral and academic leadership will ensure each student and each year group have equal value and are respected as individuals.
Adopting a key stage system, our pastoral system will provide students with effective support and a nurturing atmosphere, so they will be able to develop the confidence and strength of character to aspire to achieve their very best. This system will foster community identity, political literacy and leadership development through the roles established within the key stage.
Tutor time will support students to:
- work as a team-member
- compete and perform
- make new friends
- have additional opportunities for learning through enrichment activities
- have high expectations of standards of behaviour for themselves and others
- develop their leadership skills
- actively engage in EWA’s positive ethos and community
- improve their study skills
- increase their knowledge of safeguarding and Prevent
A head of year will lead each year group. This will be a non-teaching member of staff who will work closely with the form tutors who meet with the students on a daily basis. Using non-teaching heads of year will allow these staff to concentrate on the wellbeing of each child and liaise with families. It will also support our staff to concentrate on the delivery of outstanding teaching, learning and assessment as their priority. The heads of year will be outstanding role models for all students, as well as possessing the pastoral expertise necessary to perform their roles. By building strong relationships between home, Academy and community we will be able to support students to be the best they can be. They will map out each student’s achievements and be responsible for tracking attendance, behaviour and the Altus Enrichment Programme .
The form tutor will be the first port of call for all things: academic, pastoral and behavioural. They will also lead guided reading and Numeracy Ninjas during tutor time, monitoring progress and relay concerns in relation to literacy and numeracy to the relevant subject leaders. They will also ensure that students are in the correct mindset for lessons and insist on high standards of uniform. Form tutors will check behaviour alerts on the school system for their form and ensure that they deal in the first instance with incidents of poor behaviour, attendance and punctuality.