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Home School Agreement
Our students will be best served if all those surrounding them are aligned in their determination to provide that student with the future that they deserve.
This requires us all to be clear about what we can expect of each other in order to best serve our students.
As a student I will:
- Work hard, show respect to myself and others in every lesson and around the Academy.
- Attend every day, arrive on time, wear the correct uniform with pride and bring the correct equipment.
- Behave responsibly in the Academy at all times.
- Behave responsibly when travelling to and from the Academy.
- Complete all homework to the highest standard and submit it on time.
- Treat all adults and students with respect.
- Encourage those around me to make the correct choices, show respect to their surroundings and others.
- Be polite at all times in my choice of words and actions.
- Respect the Academy building and equipment and leave all rooms tidy after using them.
- Take an active part in Academy life, including two enrichment sessions per week.
Failure to keep to this agreement will result in corrective action and ultimately a loss of place at EWA.
As a Parent / Carer I will ensure that:
- My child attends the Academy every day, on time, unless they are ill.
- My child does not take extended family trips or holidays during term-time.
- My child has the correct learning equipment needed for the day, including PE kit when necessary.
- I support the Academy’s policies and regulations on behaviour and uniform.
- I provide a suitable environment for my child to work at home.
- My child completes their homework on time and to the highest standard.
- I attend parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress and any other meetings needed.
- My contact details are up-to-date and I will let reception know if there are changes.
- I pay for the replacement of any equipment my child loses or damages.
- My child participates in two enrichment sessions per week.
As a school we will:
- Provide a safe and supportive environment for students to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential.
- Provide a consistently high standard of teaching.
- Ensure students have the best possible education by providing a suitable curriculum and individual support.
- Provide parents / carers with regular reports and opportunity for discussion about their child's progress.
- Set regular homework.
- Contact home to acknowledge students’ successes.
- Contact home if there are concerns about students’ behaviour, progress, attendance and punctuality.