EW Resistant Materials 006 N953

Why Edgar Wood Academy?

Edgar Wood Academy is a vibrant and happy school providing an exciting variety of opportunities to develop their talents, to enjoy themselves and to flourish as individuals.

We offer a range of extra-curricular activities and visits throughout the year to enrich the broad curriculum we offer. 

Edgar Wood Academy fosters a thirst for knowledge and a keenness to learn and make excellent progress in all our students.

Positive Behaviour System

We have the highest of standards at Edgar Wood Academy and we accept only the very best. Hard work in lessons will lead to great progress and lots of choice over your future, so your teachers will expect you to be on your best behaviour every lesson, trying your hardest with all your work, being polite with your choice of words and actions, encouraging others to make the right choices and having pride in all you do.

The positive behaviour system is to reward students for following the Edgar Wood Academy expectations. Teachers will give you reward points for lots of reasons:

  • Going out of your way to help another student.
  • Completing work that was challenging for you.
  • Being helpful in school.
  • Having all your equipment for the day.
  • 100% attendance.
  • Giving 100% effort to every task in every lesson.

In short, the good things you do mean you will collect more reward points. Reward points lead to a variety of things: early lunch passes, trips to different events, big breakfasts, free sports kit, football boots and the list goes on.

If you do not meet our expectations, we will support you to get this right so that you can fix it and make great progress. Negative points are given for behaviour that Edgar Wood Academy do not accept:

  • Lateness to school.
  • Seeing or hearing your phone on the school site.
  • Disrespectful actions or choice of words to staff or other students.
  • Taking days off school unless you are unwell.
  • Wearing incorrect uniform or missing aspects of uniform (including PE kit).
  • Forgetting the equipment needed for that day (including PE kit).
  • Submitting homework late or not at all.

If you are regularly given negative points, especially for the same reason, it could lead to detentions at breaktime/ lunchtime or after school.


Welcome to our Academy!

Welcome to our Academy!

National Offer Day Monday 3 March 2025
Learn More